How to Combat Boredom and Homesickness When Working Abroad

man relaxing in the car

Working abroad is an amazing opportunity that can offer many new experiences and adventures. However, it’s not all fun and games; there can be times when you feel boredom or homesickness set in. Here are some tips for how to fight those feelings and make the most of your time working abroad:

Man sitting on a sofa watching tv holding remote control

Watch Filipino Shows

One of the first things you’ll probably miss when working abroad is all your local TV shows. Thanks to streaming sites like HOOQ, you can still watch them if they are available in other countries! Go online and check to see which Filipino shows are on there. You will definitely find something that will make you feel at home, especially if you love watching local dramas and comedies. You can also enjoy new Filipino movies on your Apple TV.

Chat With Friends and Family Back Home

One of the best ways to fight homesickness is to stay connected with your friends and family back home. Make sure to set regular times to chat with them online or on the phone and tell them about all the new things you’re experiencing in your new country. This will help you feel like you’re still connected with others back home, and it can make your time abroad more fulfilling.

Start Learning the Language of Your New Country

If you want to truly immerse yourself in your surroundings, start learning the language of your new country! It’s never too early to start, and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can learn new words and phrases. Not only will this make it easier for you to communicate with locals, but it will also help you learn more about the culture and customs of your new home.

Volunteer in Your Community

One great way to fight boredom and homesickness is volunteering in your community. This can be anything from helping out at a local soup kitchen to working with kids at a nearby school. Not only will you be helping others, but you’ll also get to know new people and make connections with people in your community. Plus, it’s a great way to meet locals and learn about the culture firsthand.

Relax and Have Fun

It’s also important to still take some time to relax and have fun with all the new things you’re experiencing. Go out for dinner, go clubbing with friends, or join a local sports league—whatever will help you have fun and enjoy your new surroundings. If working abroad is something you truly want to do, it’s important to enjoy yourself and make the most of your time abroad.

Explore Your New Surroundings

One way to combat boredom is to get out and explore your new surroundings. There is probably a lot to see and do in your new city or town that you haven’t had a chance to check out yet. Hit up the nearest tourist attraction, go for a walk or bike ride in the park, or find a new restaurant to try.

Stay Connected With Friends and Loved Ones

If you’re feeling homesick, try reaching out to your friends and family back home. Talk to them on the phone, send them a message or email, or even plan a Skype date. Keeping in touch with loved ones can help make the time apart feel a bit easier.

Find New Hobbies

Try finding new hobbies to keep yourself busy if you’re feeling bored. This can be anything from learning a new skill like cooking or photography to joining a social club or group. Not only will this help pass the time, but it can also be a fun way to meet new people and make friends.

Meet New Friends

One great way to make the most of your time abroad is to meet new friends. Try attending a meetup (there’s one for just about everything!), local events, or check out online groups in your area or on sites like Meetup and Couchsurfing. Spending time with others will help you feel less lonely and homesick, and it can be a great way to learn more about your new home.

Get Involved in the Community

Another way to fight off boredom or homesickness is to get involved in activities or groups with other foreigners. This can help you make new friends and learn more about the culture of your new local and ex-pat communities.

Get Help

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re struggling with boredom or homesickness. Your supervisor or co-workers may have some suggestions on how to get out of your funk, or you can reach out to a counseling service offered by your company. Don’t let these feelings keep you from enjoying your time working abroad; with a bit of effort, you can beat them and make the most of your experience.

There are many ways to deal with homesickness when working abroad. By trying some of these tips, you’ll hopefully find that the time goes by a little easier. Don’t forget to enjoy yourself and take advantage of all the new experiences and opportunities your new home has to offer.


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